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Showing posts from 2019

October, November, December ...

I apologize for the delay. I haven't had time to do DIY: step by step, but I wanted to let you know that I'm still here and I have been busy creating things. This post will show some of the projects I have been doing or are in the process of doing. I hope you enjoy.  This is one of my favorite ones: I've been purging stuff from when my kids were younger, and fell upon some of their rubber animal toys. Bad News: I forgot to take pictures of them before painting them.  Good News: I have a few I haven't done yet, ha. I just want to give you an idea of what I was working with. If you have kids, you probably have this or something close to this already. 😊 I did prime them before I painted them. They would be lovely in an office on a  couple of books. The great part is that although they look fragile, they aren't. πŸ˜€ I really, really love how these came out and can't wait to finish the little I have left. I was inspired by SEI Crafts f...


I have been going through some craft bins that I have not gone through in some time. I had totally forgotten about an accidental purchase from another blogger I had done. I thought I was purchasing one item and ended up with completely different item.  It was my error so I kept the purchase and put it away. I had just had surgery and was probably medicated at the time of purchase. πŸ˜‚ It's been a few years since they were put away, but I found them!! Yup, cigar box labels. πŸ˜† Looking back, the crafter I purchased them from probably listed them because she didn't know what to do with them either. Or maybe she did and just changed her mind, regardless, they're mine now. This isn't all of them, but a good chuck of them.  I was contemplating selling them on eBay, because I really couldn't imagine doing anything with them. I had purchased some cork coasters for another project I had in mind, the the exact same day I found the cigar labels. All I could think was...

SHOP: Maddie Marrs

I've been adding my items in my Etsy shop. If you are interested in taking a look you can click  HERE . You can also find my shop on the main page of my blog, tab labeled SHOP. If there is something you'd like to see and don't, please send me a message. I love to see my interpretation of new suggestion/themes given to me.  Until further notice, I will be donating 50% of all profits between a few animal rescue groups I follow. I will do a post soon and include their links. These people amaze me every single day. 

DIY - A gift for a friend

My friends kids spend the night this weekend and I thought I would send her kids back with a small gift for her. Why? Our kids have been friends since before they could walk/talk and have the sweetest friendship, and I'm just grateful for the friendship our families have maintained through the years. I personally feel that small gifts give me so much joy and are more heart felt - I hope she does too. I decided to sew her package and here's what I got. I hope you enjoy.  I picked some fun wax baking paper and made sure I had picked a piece that was big enough to  put the gift inside the package and enough room to sew it up. I've made some with regular white wax and parchment paper. They sell it by the roll and are very affordable.  I have the red tape in place, so that I don't slide all over the place and my line is decent. I usually just leave the red tap there, but totally not necessary.  I then moved my needle over to the right to my desired spot an...