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Showing posts from July, 2023

Redoing Ceramic Garden Mushrooms

Hello! I have decided to redo this cute ceramic garden mushroom. It was hanging out in my front yard for a few years, but it's slowly not looking so great. Not one white spot left on any of the mushrooms. It was time for it to go.  Since this piece was outside, it was subject to a lot of the outdoor elements.  This means it needed a good cleaning. May I also suggest doing that outside. I didn't and yeah, I should have. πŸ˜‰ Next, I wiped this down with some rubbing alcohol so that I could add a coat of gesso by Liquitex.  Side note: This one bottle has definitely seen better days. πŸ˜‚ For now, I have decided to just redo the top portion of the mushrooms. I could always go back and do the bottom portion if I change my mind. So for now, just the mushroom tops are being gesso-ed and prepped for paint. 😊   This is it before being sealed. To get these colors, I mixed paints I had on hand. I'm trying to use up some of my older paints so this just works for me right now. πŸ˜…...

Ceramic Tile Coaster Lasered

Hello, sorry for the long break. It's been awhile and I have been unsure if I should even bother with this, but after some thought - the answer was YES! So let me just jump right in.  I may not have been posting, but, I have been creating! So I need to do more sharing. For this project I used a ceramic tile (4.25 in x 4.25 in). One can be purchased at any place like a Lowe's or Home Depot type store or redo one you already have. I did some light sanding to this ceramic tile piece and then added some white gesso to prep this tile for painting. I used green acrylic paint for the top and gold acrylic paint for the sides and then sealed it with a clear matte finish, about four coats.  I let everything dry and decided I would use my laser to add a design on top. Of course, it would be nice to paint something on it. So many ideas and elements that can be used, such as stickers, a fun paper collage, leaves, confetti. Have fun with it. When I was done, I added another couple more coat...