I finally decided to see what the fuss was all about. I had been hearing about this place for what seemed like forever. In reality, probably over a month, but still. The school year is almost up and before the crowds came out, I decided to take my girls to Candytopia.

I mean what child doesn't wish they could see a real life Willy Wonka Factory, right? Well, this isn't that exactly, but it's still pretty neat. I love anything whimsical, and to me this was whimsical.

The art exhibit was impressive. Every handmade art work let you know: How many pieces of candy it took; What candy was used; How many hours it took the artist; and How many calories all the pieces of candy totaled. Some were hung on the walls, others were part of the exhibit. We were allowed to touch them and they felt kinda cool.
Here are few of mine and my girls favorite art pieces:

This tree kinda of reminded me of the evil apple tree on the Wizard of Oz.
Snails ... because why not?!
Candytopia is taking place in Dallas, so I was super excited to see Big Tex as an art exhibit. He is iconic to the DFW area.
Yup, there was a room where lots of confetti exploded everywhere, and we loved every moment of it!! It was everywhere and we didn't care. There is also a marshmallow pit that my girls had fun jumping in.
The whole experience will only take about an hour or so to get through, but it was was an enjoyable trip for us.