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Showing posts from 2021

Recycling Packaging Paper & Engraving Candle Lids

Something I have noticed about myself is that when I don't schedule myself to blog I blog. I'm just not going to not promise new posts any longer. Maybe then I will get more in!  πŸ˜‚  But here I am wanting to end this year with a blog. It has been a rough couple of years and I am really hoping that this next year brings much joy all. I was super impressed with some of the packaging paper that came in the packages I was receiving from Christmas shopping online. It has a nice thickness to it and is a little satisfying sound when working with it.  I just hated to waste it. Plus, I got vintage wrapping vibes. 😁 You can iron them if you don't want the crinkles, but I happened to like the crinkles in the paper, it looked like it was man-handled a little more. I got the yarn from the Dollar Tree in Red and Leaf. I love the green, Leaf, yarn. I love the warmth old vibes I get from them.  I purchased these candles at World Market for my mom and sisters. One of the candles did...

August & September were crazy and got away from me . . .

Long story short: My computer broke down on me; it went into the shop to get fixed and that was not a smooth process, πŸ˜… (hard drive went out);  my husband started a new job; my girls started school - they're homeschooled - ha, so I needed some time to get situated; and my father got fell very ill and it was a little emotionally exhausting. This past weekend I went to the Bonnie & Clyde Festival and had the most wonderful time and felt it was time to get back to this. Assuming anyone checks in. πŸ˜‚ I'm just going to post some pictures of some items I've done, but first let's take a quick look at my daughter's light plate she customized for her room.  She is so talented and inspires me everyday. You can follow her on Instagram @TexanCrafters. Here are a few things I made on my laser.  This is my October piece for my interchangeable round.  It's always fun to create something new to change it out.    My husband loves A Christmas Story, so this was just a p...

Simple and quick nightstand cover/rug . . .

My daughter has some left over fabric from little projects she has done recently. This is one of her favorite pieces of fabric she owns. She cut a piece to place on her nightstand as a little rug or table covering. It looked super cute, but she didn't like that it would slide around.  I don't blame her, I'm pretty sure things continuously sliding and falling would annoy me too! We made a trip to Daiso and found this non slip grip sheets. I cut a piece the size of the fabric piece she had cut and stitched it on to the back. So simple and fast.  Once I stitched the non slip grip sheet on, I used my fingers to fluff it up to hide the stitch line; or you could leave it if you like. I didn't take a photo of it once it was fluffed but it's okay. You get the idea. 😊 According to my daughter, it works great. Nothing is slipping or sliding around . . . YAY! I have lots of extra fabric sitting around my studio, so I think I am going to look for some holiday themed pieces...

Laser made: Mother's Day Gift & Father's Day Gift

Hey Guys,  I hope everyone had a fun and safe July 4th.  Below are some items that I have made on my Glowforge for my Mother's Day and for Father's Day.  This sign was done on white board and the words were stained using Varathane in Weathered Gray. I also used whiteboard for this sign, but instead of stain, I used regular black acrylic paint. A photographer, I am not!  I am aware that my photography skills suck. πŸ˜‚.   The flowers were made from satin fabric and embellished with some crystals. Super cute, super easy.   This next sign I made for my husband.  I used Baltic Birch wood stained with Varathane in Weathered Gray. I used regular blue acrylic paint for the inner circle and I used white board for the white lettering.  He truly is built dad tough.  The kids and I are lucky to have him in our lives. That's all I have for today, but I will be trying my hardest to have at least one post a week. Even if it's just a simple share of what I've...

DIY: Using paper from an old Road Atlas as wrapping paper.

Hey Y'all! We had a gradation to attend for a lovely young lady that I just know will do great things and contribute goodness to this world.  To all that have graduated - A HUGE Congratulations to you!!!! We decided to gift her a leather journal with hand-made papers and some fun pencils. I hope she is able to write and capture the next phase of her life. Even, especially, all the hiccups she encounters along the way, because I believe, that is what makes us stronger, wiser. I decided to wrap it up using paper from a Road Atlas Book. I had purchased this atlas for journaling, but it makes great wrapping paper too!  This Road Atlas measures approximately 15 x 10 for one page, and approximately 15 x 21.25. So its a good size for wrapping some items. I love the feeling of it, once the gift was wrapped.  We opted for Florida, because this girl is a huge Disney World fan. I just thought it made it a little more personalized. I added some twine to finish it off and that was it....

DIY Christmas Gift Boxes

I have decided to spring clean my studio. My room is so bad. I almost feel ashamed of myself. Unfortunately, this also means that I will have to let a lot of things go. Ugh, I'm never prepared to do this. This is because I always swear that one day I will need "it". I be darned if I have had some things for 10+ plus years, never to be used. Then one day I get rid of it and guess who all of a sudden needs it? Some might say that I have a crafting issue(s), and they may not be lying. πŸ˜… I love to repurpose things. Sometimes things sit here a little longer than they should, so I have decided to just to jump in and start repurposing boxes. I figured I could have them on hand and ready to go when something comes up like a birthday, a holiday or some kind of special occasion. I decided to start with the AirPod boxes. My husband knows me so well and actually gifted me these boxes and adding to my craft hoarding issues instead of just throwing them away and helping me. πŸ˜‚  T...

Gel stick pens and clothes clips . . .

Hey Crafter - This week I decided to try out some gel sticks I purchased back in December. I may or may not be known to treat myself sometimes to anything crafty once in a while, while I am Christmas shopping. I hadn't heard of these before, and thought I'd give them a try.  These are mixed media gel sticks by KingArt. It states that it works on paper, glass, canvas or wood, and really well on dark paper. I love the colors, but today I am trying them on wood clothespins.  Many clothespins are not perfect and have different color hues to them. You can see some here in this picture. Some have blue hues and some have brown spots. If I have a specific project I'm working on, then I need to be mindful of which ones I pick. I have to think about what color will pull through with whatever color I choose. Ex: If I am using a clothespin with a blue hue and I use yellow paint it may come through as green. But before I do any painting, I touch each surface to see if some light sandin...

Gift Tags

I have been "spring cleaning" because I feel I haven't done a good job at that the last couple of years - lol.  I usually have banners for every holiday and put them up on the mantel in the living room. It helps me and the familyget into the spirit of whatever holiday is up. I had one I really liked but I know I will be doing something different this year, so I decided to make these cute tags. I love gift tags. I especially like to make some and have them on hand ready to use.  I didn't take a picture of the banner before I took it apart, but basically it was just the string that I cut off. πŸ˜…  These cute snowflakes tags were purchased from the Dollar Store a couple years back.  I removed the silver elastic string off of each snowflake since I will be combining them to the other snowflake from the banner I took apart. You can use a sharpie and write To & From on the back of the tags, a fun message or they look great as is. I love personalizing items when I can, a...