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Showing posts from August, 2020

A quick and simple DIY.

Last year my sister came to visit and gave me this cute envelope holder decor. I love it, but when I was going to hang it up, I noticed a lot of pieces that were hung were brown, bronze and just dark. πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚ Basically, something about it had to give. I didn't want to spend too much time with this make-over, and I wanted to make sure that if I changed my mind that I'd have no problem changing it out. 😊 I went through some scrap paper I had on hand and grabbed my double sided tape.   I forgot to take a photo of me tracing the outline of the envelope to the paper, but it was right side up. It could be traced either ways, but I find it saves me some time and, at times stress from having to trim around the edges if the sides aren't the same. I cut the paper. make sure it fits then add double sided tape  I didn't really want to make it permanent, bc I might change it out later, but I might distress the edges a bit. I find it easier to file the sides with a small nail file that...